Wednesday, August 5, 2009

OK, I've got feedback for the 23 Things program. Summer is an INSANE time to do this. I have not lost interest, I am not slacking off, I've just been overwhelmingly busy and I've been putting out fires left right and sideways for two weeks. Finally caught up enough to soldier on. I don't think there's any chance I'm going to finish this before the fifteenth, sorry.

Back to the matter at hand. I've found a genuine work-based use for twitter. Various civic organizations, work organizations and tourist places around town use twitter to promote their programs. So does the Fort Worth ISD. This makes twitter a potentially helpful way to keep up with community events. If your local neighborhood associations twitter, it might be a way to keep up with them. Ditto schools, youth programs, and the like. If twitter turns out to be a tool rather than a fad (and I think the jury is still very much out on this) and it becomes more ubiquitous, it may be a more powerful tool than the blog.

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